Georgia Koutrika is Research Director at Athena Research Center in Greece, where she leads the DARELab. She has more than 15 years of experience in multiple roles at HP Labs, IBM Almaden, and Stanford. She has received a PhD and a diploma in Computer Science from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens in Greece.
Her work focuses on natural language data interfaces, data exploration, recommendations, and data analytics, and has been incorporated in commercial products, described in 14 granted patents and 26 patent applications in the US and worldwide, and published in more than 100 papers in top-tier conferences and journals.
She is member of the VLDB Endowment Board of Trustees, co-EiC for VLDB Journal, PC co-chair for VLDB 2023, co-EiC of Proceedings of the VLDB (PVLDB). In the past, she has served or serves as associate editor for top conferences (such as ACM SIGMOD and VLDB) and journals (TKDE, VLDB Journal), as well as in various organization roles, including EDBT 2023 and ICDE 2021 sponsorship chair, and general chair for ACM SIGMOD 2016.
Georgia is chair of the ACM working Group on Seasonal Schools, and member of the ACM-RAISE Working Group. She is ACM Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member, and ACM Distinguished Speaker.
If we are to satisfy the needs of casual users of data bases,
we must break through the barriers that presently prevent these users from freely employing their native languages (Ted Codd, 1974)