Welcome to Inspire2RDF: A suite of tools for exposing INSPIRE metadata and data as linked data¶
- Introductory slides: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/2218/GeoKnow_AthenaRC_INSPIRE2015.pdf
as presented at the INSPIRE Conference - Geospatial World Forum 2015: http://geospatialworldforum.org/workshop.asp?Sp_Department=INSPIRE%20Linked%20Data
Software Resources for testing¶
- HUMBOLDT Alignments to INSPIRE for datasets from geodata.gov.gr: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1858/HUMBOLDT_Alignments_GR.zip
- XSL stylesheets for converting INSPIRE-aligned GML DATA into RDF/XML (conforming to GeoSPARQL specifications for geometries) for seven INSPIRE Data Themes (Annex I):
You can edit any of these files in order to prepare suitable configuration settings for converting another geospatial dataset into its GeoSPARQL-compliant RDF representation.
- XSL stylesheet for converting INSPIRE metadata from XML into RDF/XML representation:
- Transforming INSPIRE-aligned data and metadata into RDF can be performed through TripleGeo utility, using suitably configured XSL stylesheets. The Java source code for TripleGeo is freely available from https://github.com/GeoKnow/TripleGeo.
- Querying INSPIRE-compliant Catalogue Services for the Web (CSW) using SPARQL can be performed with the TripleGeo-CSW utility. The python source code for TripleGeo-CSW is freely available from https://github.com/GeoKnow/TripleGeo-CSW.
Data from geodata.gov.gr (GREECE) as used in web service http://geodata.gov.gr/sparql :
(1) Original GML data from geodata.gov.gr for seven INSPIRE Data Themes (Annex I): https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1862/Original_GML_data_GR.zip
(2) INSPIRE-aligned GML data from geodata.gov.gr : https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1857/INSPIRE_aligned_GML_data_GR.zip
(3) INSPIRE-compliant RDF data in GeoSPARQL (in Greek Grid 87 georeference) from geodata.gov.gr (converted from (2)): https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1874/GeoSparqlRDF_egsa87_DATA_geodata_gov_gr.zip
(4) INSPIRE-compliant RDF data for Parliament triple store (variant of GeoSPARQL geometries, in Greek Grid 87 georeference) from geodata.gov.gr (converted from (2)):
(5) INSPIRE-compliant RDF data in Virtuoso geometries (non-GeoSPARQL compliant, in WGS84 georeference) from geodata.gov.gr (converted from (2)):
Sample data from other European countries:
(6) INSPIRE-aligned GML sample data for Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1884/INSPIRE_European_sample_GML_data.zip
(7) INSPIRE-compliant RDF data with GeoSPARQL geometries (converted from data in (6)): https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1860/GeoSparqlRDF_European_sample_DATA.zip
Various sets of SPARQL Queries are available for execution through the web interface at http://geodata.gov.gr/sparql.
On INSPIRE metadata from geodata.gov.gr:
(i) using Virtuoso as backend: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1903/Virtuoso_Inspire_metadata.txt
(ii) using Parliament as backend: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1901/Parliament_Inspire_metadata.txt
On INSPIRE data from geodata.gov.gr:
(iii) using Virtuoso as backend: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1902/Virtuoso_Inspire_data.txt
(iv) using Parliament as backend: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1900/Parliament_Inspire_data.txt
On INSPIRE Catalogue Services (CSW) across Europe:
(v) through TripleGeo-CSW middleware: https://web.imis.athena-innovation.gr/redmine/attachments/download/1899/CSW_middleware_metadata.txt
The software components of this project are licensed under the GPL v3 License https://github.com/GeoKnow/TripleGeo/blob/master/LICENSE.
Datasets for Greece taken from http://geodata.gov.gr are licensed under CC-BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.
Sample GML data for the Netherlands are available at https://code.google.com/p/inspire-foss/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fetl%2FNL.Kadaster%253Fstate%253Dclosed under the GPL v3 License https://github.com/GeoKnow/TripleGeo/blob/master/LICENSE.
Sample GML data for Italy were taken from http://fmepedia.safe.com/articles/Samples_and_Demos/INSPIRE-Geographic-Names-Demo
Sample GML data for the UK are available through http://www.landregistry.gov.uk/market-trend-data/inspire/inspire-downloads under OGL http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/
Development: © 2014-2015 Institute for the Management of Information Systems,
Athena Research Center, Greece.
Please send any comments to: kpatro AT dblab DOT ece DOT ntua DOT gr
Last updated: 2 June 2015 11:00:00 EET.