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Keywords-To-SPARQL exploration

Keywords-To-SPARQL exploration is a novel approach for searching and exploring graph-structured data, in particular RDF graph data, using keywords. Our method, instead of providing answers directly from the RDF data graph, generates automatically a set of candidate SPARQL queries that try to capture users information need as expressed by the keywords used. Our approach is tailored to tempolar RDF data, i.e. RDF data that involve temporal properties. To this end, our method is enriched with temporal operators allowing the user to explore data within predefined time ranges. To evaluate our approach, we perform an effectiveness study using two real-world datasets.


  • RDF Keyword Search based on Keywords-To-SPARQL Translation
    Gkirtzou K., Papastefanatos G. and Dalamagas T.
    Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Novel Web Search Interfaces and Systems (NWSearch), 2015 [bibtex] [doi]
  • Keywords-To-SPARQL translation for RDF data search and exploration.
    Gkirtzou K., Karozos K., Vassalos V. and Dalamagas T.
    19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), 2015
    [bibtex] [doi]
  • RDF Resource Search and Exploration with LinkZoo.
    Meimaris M., Alexiou G., Gkirtzou K., Papastefanatos G. and Dalamagas T.
    4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA), 2015
    [bibtex] [doi]


Code will soon be available.


This study has been supported by LODGOV project, Research Programme ARISTEIA (EXCELLENCE), General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Minist ry of Education, Greece and the European Regional Development Fund.